Using the LoTi Classical evaluation tool will help keep teachers, Administrators, and Instructional Coaches on the same page. The LoTi Classical evaluation system is designed to provide timely feedback, concrete analysis of where each individual teacher is at professionally, and a foundation for both administrators and teachers to work towards quality teaching. No guessing. No surprises. Everyone is on the same page and working toward the same goals.
Ethos Logos Classical PD works closely with LoTi Classical, (Levels of Teaching Innovation), to measure teacher skill sets and student engagement systems. To successfully implement and track a training program, there needs to be a common agreement on what everyone is looking for. LoTi delivers consistency in teacher training, curriculum implementation and classroom observations in real-time.
LoTi was designed by Dr. Chris Moersch as a way to assess the most critical aspect of a scholar's education, that being a great teacher in the classroom. Dr. Moersch is the author of Beyond Hardware: Using Existing Technology to Promote Higher Level Thinking.
Dr. Moersch has developed his program using the Danielson Rubric model combined with unique elements that are found in great Classical Education schools. The Ethos Logos team and Dr. Moersch spent three years perfecting the tool with the goal of ease of use.
The LoTi Classical program looks at teachers in a number of ways, but also looks closely at student engagement. A great lesson that doesn't impact the students isn't effective for anyone.
Part of the LoTi Classical platform includes analyzing student engagement using the H.E.A.T. (Higher order thinking, Engaged learning, Authentic connections, Technology use) platform.
H.E.A.T is used as a lens to go beyond the lesson plan to what is actually happening with students. Many times the activities that the teacher plans do not result in the expected output from students. H.E.A.T. provides a common language to discuss and measure student output in a way that is tied to evidence-based practices.
The LoTi observation and tracking platform allows the Ethos Logos staff and the PD-Curriculum Director and the site Administration to score and observe teaching staff. The scoring metrics are consistent and measurable and allows the site Administration to identify issues and put in corrective actions.
LoTi Classical builds a map for teachers, coaches, and leaders to create successful collaborative learning environments. Each teacher will be provided the unique Ethos Logos observation metric form and training so they understand exactly what is expected of them in classroom instruction.
Teachers and leaders share coaching relationships that support individual growth in content, pedagogy, and culture. Regular classroom observations provide opportunities for real-time feedback, while coaching sessions focus on incremental improvement toward the attainment of larger goals.
Once per week, at each campus, students are dismissed early and schools hold professional development workshops targeted toward improving school-wide practices. Workshops deliberately build key skills across practical, relevant topics such as culture, instruction, analysis of student work, and curriculum.
A menu of in-person course offerings will be created and distributed to the teaching staff. Depending on budget capacity, substitute teachers will be brought in to facilitate job-embedded training. Classes will be scheduled for morning and afternoons to allow the maximum number of teachers to participate while the substitute teachers are on campus.
The Ethos Logos Classical Curriculum program has built-out over 85 virtual PD classes which model beginning to advanced professional development courses. The Ethos Logos PD Course offerings are used to intentionally introduce new staff members to basic aspects of our culture and expectation. Once on board, the Ethos Logos PD Course offering is used to specifically train a teacher on a theory or practical aspect of their profession. The PD Curriculum Director and site Administrators will observe an issue or coachable moment, assign the corresponding Ethos Logos PD Course assignment and then follow up with the teacher to ensure understanding and implementation. This course offering is growing at about 20-25 courses per year. Each course is organized and cataloged by skill type, grade and theory and practice. This deep and rich resource allows our system to remain consistent on multiple campuses in various cities.
Relating with Parents
Dreikurs - Relational Discipline
Beginning Narration
Narration 2 and Narration 3
Narration Live Demo
Beginning Recitation
Socratic Instruction - Intro, Level 1 and Level 2
Shared Inquiry - Intro, Level 1 and Level 2
Classroom Transitions
Understanding Ethos Logos Curriculum Database